Properties: colorless flaky crystal, with a cool smell of camphor
Melting point: 205-210
Non-volatile matter: no residue left over 3.5mg
Heavy metals: not over five millionths
Arsenic salt: not over 2 millionths
Determination: This product contains borneol
Not less than 55.0%
It can be used to heal confused state of mind, swelling and pain of eye, pharyngitis , aphtha, abscess due to pyogenic infection, apoplexy, lockjaw, fever, convulsive epilepsy, phlegmatic coma, deafness with stagnation, tympanitis, swollen welling-abscess, piles, enterobiasis and so on.Also it can help dispel internal heat, improve acuity of vision and remove nebula, reduce swelling and ease pain.
Used to compound food flavoring and advanced fragrance and making pills or powder; for external use, appropriate quantity to be ground into powder and applied topically.